C3 Publications

Thomson Reuters JCR papers:

Bedoya-Valestt S, Cesar Azorin-Molina, Luis Gimeno, Jose A. Guijarro, Victor J. Sanchez-Morcillo, Enric Aguilar, Manola Brunet.2022. Opposite trends of sea-breeze speeds and gusts in Eastern Spain, 1961–2019. Climate Dynamics DOI:10.1007/s00382-022-06473-0

Boqué Ciurana, A., Ménendez, M., Suárez Bilbao, M., & Aguilar, E.2022. Exploring the Climatic Potential of Somo’s Surf Spot for Tourist Destination Management. Sustainability, 14(14), 8496. DOI:10.3390/su14148496.

Peterson Michael J., Timothy J. Lang, Timothy Logan, Cheong Wee Kiong, Morne Gijben, Ron Holle, Ivana Kolmasova, Martino Marisaldi, Joan Montanya, Sunil D. Pawar, Daile Zhang, Manola Brunet and Randall S. Cerveny. 2022. New WMO Certified Megaflash Lightning Extremes for Flash Distance (768 km) and Duration (17.01 seconds) Recorded from Space. . Bulletin of American Meteorological Society, BAMS-D-21-0254 DOI:10.1175/BAMS-D-21-0254.1

Utrabo-Carazo E, Cesar Azorin-Molina, Encarna Serrano, Enric Aguilar, Manola Brunet, Jose A. Guijarro, 2022. Wind stilling ceased in the Iberian Peninsula since the 2000s Atmospheric Research, Volume 272, July 2022, 106153. DOI:10.1016/j.atmosres.2022.106153

Vegas-Vilarrúbia T; Corella JP; Sigró J; Rull V; Dorado-Liñan I; Valero-Garcés B; Gutiérrez-Merino E. 2022. Regional precipitation trends since 1500 CE, reconstructed from calcite sublayers of a varved Mediterranean lake record (Central Pyrenees). SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT (ISSN/ISBN: 00489697), Pages 153773-153773. Publisher:Elsevier DOI:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.153773

Books and other publications:

Brunet M.2022. A summary of the evidence cascade for anthropogenic climate change: the major challenge facing society today. European Public Mosaic (EPuM). Open Journal on Public Service, 18, pp 3-15.