Climate variability and change

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Climate variability and change

Studies on climate variability and change in C3 are focused both on mean and extreme states of the climate at local, regional, continental and global scales. They include trend analysis, teleconnections and analysis of the large-scale forcing factors.

Specific indicators of climate extremes (drought, heat wave, extreme precipitation) are calculated and used in climate change impact studies.

Multivariate analysis, and extreme value techniques both for observation and simulation (GCMs and RCMs) data sets are used for studies on current climate and climate change projections.

The relationships between proxy records (historical documents, ice cores, speleothems, tree-rings, lacustrine and marine sediments, paelinological data and other biological proxies) and the instrumental record are explored with appropriate techniques. Analysis of palaeoclimate variations shall broaden our view on the climate system and restructure our approach, in order to obtain more information on climate.